Box One – The Kaleidoscope of Life


The Box of Choices

Explore choices and options through fun and creative activities.

Choice has a central place as we relate to our surroundings and express our individuality. Open this ‘Box of Choices’ to be guided through a series of colourful, tactile and creative activities that enliven those moments of choice.


We make our choices within a world full of diversity and options. The first activity invites you into the multiple worlds of colour and shape, where you will explore kaleidoscopic designs and radial symmetry.

The sets of activities that follow use the eighty varied circles to explore selections and choices in original and creative ways. You will discover the arrangements and patterns that your choices form and how you make these choices. The activities then extend to creating meaningful sequences with the image circles.

The last activity discovers the close relationship between options and choices. You will see how the range of options has an effect upon your selection opportunities as you play ‘Options Lotto’.


1. Welcome circular card
2. Contents circular card with instructions for laying out all the activities
3. Our Kaleidoscopic World: A Power Point download {sent via email}
4. Introduction activity: Six activity cards with different radial patterns on the reverse,
one radial pattern template and a small toy kaleidoscope
5. The circles: Over eighty varied green circles with images on the reverse side
6. Set One: Five activity cards and seven option cards
7. Set Two: Five activity cards and a template grid
8. Set Three: Four activity cards and six discovery circles
9. Set Four: Six activity cards
10. Options Lotto: Six boards and thirty lotto cards
11. Decorated box

Only the items that are used in the activities are laminated, these being: the eighty circles, the seven discovery circles and the Options Lotto game.

Original designs by Karen Heney

The sets are hand made with some variations in the colours