Who & Where



The boxes are not age specific but the earlier ones can be explored from the ages of six or seven. Throughout the subsequent primary years the progression can be experienced, with the more complex extensions suiting older children.


The resources within each box are springboards to spark in numerous directions, with varied uses in a number of different settings. They present opportunities for self initiated enquiry together with multiple individual and collective expressions.

Some of the concepts could be transposed to other forms, themes and varied locations. The activities can also be adapted to suit an outdoor environment, with elements being replaced by objects that are discovered in the natural worlds.

The Learning Environment

Many of the activities could be modified to work within varied learning environments. This would be according to the children’s stages of development, the teacher’s objectives and/or curriculum focus. The series also presents a range of diverse applications within a home schooling programme.

A language or drama focus could readily be applied to a number of activities, together with music, design and aspects of art and craft. Mathematical links are prevalent in many boxes and scientific understandings weave throughout. The personal, spiritual (non- denominational) and social aspects are inherent, with potential to introduce more advanced and thoughtful approaches.

Therapists and other educational professionals may find the activities present some new ways to approach their specific requirements.

The diverse approaches to learning that this series encourages could also have a place within the teacher training domain.


Clubs and Holiday Activities

It is known that different locations and varied settings enable diverse skills to develop and talents to arise. With the practical orientation of the themed boxes they could be the basis of school and holiday clubs.
The sequence of the boxes has been the basis of a series of very successful art days over the last few years with a small group of children.
With minimum training, all will be ready to ‘Open to Discover’.

Milford, Surrey, UK
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    Milford, Surrey, UK

    Copyright 2022 © Open to Discover – All Rights Reserved